Sermons of 2004

Sermon 001 Are you confident of your salvation

Sermon 002 Wondered about Walking on water

Sermon 003 Armor of God

Sermon 004 A Levitical War Sermon

Sermon 005 What Is Your Authority

Sermon 006 Where to find Peace

Sermon 007 Assurance of Salvation

Sermon 008 God's terribleness and gentleness

Sermon 009 Healing Matthew 8

Sermon 010 God's Love

Sermon 011 Spreading the gospel


Sermon 013 Other Denomination

Sermon 014 Lessons from a lost soul

Sermon 015 Growing pains

Sermon 016 The beginning of creation

Sermon 017 Abram's life

Sermon 018 Comforting People in Need

Sermon 019 The Word Made Flesh

Sermon 020 Jesus' choice to save our lives

Sermon 021 Wilt thou not revive us again

Sermon 022 Enlightened on our own faults

Sermon 023 Graduating Class

Sermon 024 The Centurion 

Sermon 025 Love is an Action of Sacrifice

Sermon 026 Words of Terror

Sermon 027 Jesus is the way

Sermon 028 Everyone has a choice

Sermon 029 Anger

Sermon 030 Going the extra mile 

Sermon 031 Believers not ashamed of the cross.

Sermon 032  The Lord's Table


Sermon 034 Four unintelligent things we do 

Sermon 035 Revelation

Sermon 036 By grace are ye saved!

Sermon 037 The Great Shield 

Sermon 038 Keeping Spiritually Fit 


Sermon 040 Satan's champion the Antichrist

Sermon 041 Preparing Yourself to meet God

Sermon 042 Where Jesus says the power is.

Sermon 043 Jesus' undying love

Sermon 044 The Throne of God

Sermon 045 This is My Body

Sermon 046 Grieve not the Holy Spirit

Sermon 047 Apathy a dangerous ailment

Sermon 048 Healing


Sermon 050 Tithing is unscriptural

Sermon 051 The Rewarder

Sermon 052 Triibulation or Peace

Sermon 053 The Lord is my Shepherd

Sermon 054 Uses for the Hands

Sermon 055 A New Life