September 6th 2024                Thought for the week

Love it is a feeling we should never be afraid to show. In today's world love has lost some of its feeling; an intensity feeling. However scripture tells us we are to love that we are creatures of low. Our heavenly Father is love. He allowed His son to come and show us what true love is. Yeshua said to love others as ourselves yet how many of us would ever think to mistreat, or abuse ourselves in any way? I would gesture to say, not many if any. We all tend to do what we can to make ourselves happy and feel good. However, how many of us stop to help strangers; or better yet people we don't particularly like? Yeshua was born in Bethlehem. What if He decided to love only people from His area? Have you ever stopped and thought about it? Take a moment now and think about it. What if Yeshua only loved people from His area? That sure would leave a lot of us out. Luckily for us Yeshua had a heart to love all mankind. Yeshua has the ability to chip away the hard part of our heart, and expose the secret part that we keep hide and protected from others. Yeshua can fill that with an undying love for others if we but let him. His love can relieve the fear and allow us to truly love. All we have to do is asked Yeshua to come into our lives and He will fill us with the Holy Spirit and help us to have a heart just like the Messiah's, so we to may love in the same way Yeshua does.  

May Yahweh’s face shine upon you and be gracious to you,
May Yahweh lift up Yahweh’s countenance upon you, and grant you peace.