Sound the Shofar    for the  Sabbath has arrived!  

Welcome, to last Sabbath day in September.. I am blessed to see so many of you here today. I pray you have been shown many blessings this week. and I pray He brings you many more. Now that I have prayed many blessings upon each and everyone. I would however still ask you to pray for our brothers and sister that are still being made homeless around the world and those laid up in hospitals as well. I would also ask that you please pray for our brothers and sisters who are sick and laid up in their homes. And please pray our Father watch over those that are at war with one another and bring this war to an end.  Also as always my continuing prayer is that the Lord, Yeshua the Messiah will use this site to save those who are lost, and give answers to those who are seeking, and encourage the people of Yahweh also their ministries around the world. Also today I want to thank all of you who have been with me down through the last 22 years of seeking and loving Yeshua the Messiah. That's right I opened Divine Word Ministries 22 years ago and it has been awesome serving our Lord down through the years seeing His miracles. also to you that have joined our family more recently I thank you and welcome you and invite you to look at some of the awesome blessings He has done for joining pastors and their churches..

Sabbath Shalom from our home to yours!!!

I pray you and yours had a blessed and wonderful week!

I do hope that your Sabbath has started out providing many blessing for you and yours! May the Lord bless and keep you!

I do hope your  family gatherings will be blessed this day..

We welcome you here with love and  joy. My name is Rev. Dr. Karla Potter, and I am the founder of Divine Word Ministries a non-profit organization that Praises the One And Only True God,  who showed His love for us by sending His only Son Yeshua.  Yeshua (ישוע, with vowel pointing יֵשׁוּעַ – yēšūă' in Hebrew) was a common alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ ("Yehoshuah") or as He is called today by many (Jesus) into the world to die on the cross for our sins, so we too may have everlasting life.
Yahweh wants a relationship with us. that is why Yeshua came to die for our sins. some think they are a good person yet all have fallen short from the glory of Yahweh. some people also think if they do not believe, that Yahweh will send them to Hell. However Yahweh does not send anyone to Hell, for He gave us all freedom to choose so, you see it is in our hands and we are the ones that make the choice to either believe and be with Him or not.

 Bless be our Lord, King of the universe who fulfilled all the laws through Yeshua the Messiah and has covered us with His righteousness! May you all be blessed and kept tightly wrapped in His arms. Remember always what Yeshua said in John 14.
John 14:1 "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me."
John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Now please take your time and check out all that is of interest to you and remember to praise His awesome name this Sabbath Day!  I also would like to remind you that it is always the right time for giving and here is just one of the scriptures telling us about giving. 2 Corinthian 9:7 "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."

Please send any contributions to
Rev. Dr. Karla Potter
PO Box 181
Mineral, WA 98355

I never want any of you to feel pressured to give a donation. While we rely on the gifts of our readers to continue spreading the Good News, this ministry desires to receive gifts knowing that people are partnering with the Lord and being led by Him in their giving. If the Lord has put it on your heart to help this church or one of its sister churches in, Africa, India,  the Philippians, or Pakistan please send your donations to: 

Divine Word Ministries

PO Box 181, Mineral, WA 98355

For tax reason you may want to know you are donating to a non profit organization.

I thank you for visiting and please come often. And if I can be so bold, can you please sign the guest book and let me know what your thoughts are and any ideas on how I can improve this sight. thank you kindly and may the Father bless and keep you.

For You have  magnified Your word above Your name Psalm 138:2

Statement of Faith

We believe that the bible is the Holy Word of Yahweh. That it was free from error in its original forms, which have been lost for centuries, but also we believe Yahweh in His singular awesome care has kept His word through out the ages, right down to the present day as found in the King James Version. We consider this version our final and absolute authority, above and beyond all other authorities on earth even though they choose to use the name of Jesus instead of His true birth name of Yeshua. Yahweh is one, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, who are infinite in their awesome power, glory, and love as well as their wisdom, purity, and justice. Yeshua The Messiah is true man and Yahweh, who in His incarnation was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary. In His earthly ministry He lived a sinless life, preformed miracles, and died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures. By the power of Yahweh, He was raised from the dead in the same body now glorified. He ascended into Heaven where, at the right hand of Yahweh, He continually makes intercession for us. The Holy Spirit is the sent comforter Yeshua spoke of. He redevelops the believing sinner by indwelling, guiding, and instructing them. He also empowers the Believer for Godly living and service. He comforts all the children of Yahweh. The Holy Spirit guides and gives power to the church, the body of The Messiah, to fulfill the spreading of Yahweh’s word. Man was created in the image of Yahweh, but through the sin of Adam, man fell from glory straight into sin and is therefore, lost from Yahweh. Except a man is born again in the Messiah he cannot see the kingdom of heaven. Salvation is a gift from Yahweh and includes the forgiveness of sins, by confession of the righteousness of Yeshua The Messiah, and includes the gift of eternal life. A union with Yeshua provides all the blessings of this life and the life hereafter. Salvation is received by Faith alone in Yeshua The Messiah, apart from all good works and merit less any man should boast. The church is composed of people whose been renewed by the Holy Spirit of Yahweh and baptized with the blood of the Lamb. The purpose of this ministry is to witness Yahweh's word according to scriptures, and to preach the Gospel to all nations, now Yahweh has made the Internet available. Yeshua will come again to receive unto Himself those who believe in Him, that where He is, they may be also. He will come again personally and visibly to establish His kingdom. The resurrection of the Believers will be unto eternal glory, and the resurrection of the unbelievers will be unto eternal punishment.
May the LORD bless you, and keep you;
May the LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
May the LORD lift up His face to you, and give you peace.

Reverend Doctor Karla Potter 

          Pictures of the Sanctuary below


 Front Entrance

Speaking area and piano

  Looking towards Front                     



 It does look a lot different now a days but I will get it fixed up again soon, the Good Lord willing.