There is a man in the bible that had marvelous thoughts about how Yahweh would heal him, yet none of them were what he had imagined. Yes, I'm talking about Naaman in 2 Kings 5. He was good at his job, he was a general in the Syrian army, although he was also a leper. When he heard there was a prophet in Israel who could heal, he began to think of all sorts of ways it might be done like he might have to touch his coat or he might just wave his hand over his head better yet he might not have to do anything, the prophet might just speak and he would be healed. Yet when Naaman stood in front of the prophet none of those were what happened, instead he was told to go bathe 7 times in the muddy Jordan River. Naaman was discussed at that idea and rode off. A little bit later while Naaman and his servants were nearing the Jordan River the servant convinced Naaman to do what the prophet said. And when he did, he was healed.  

If you need and would like prayer just email me at

Together we can pray to the Heavenly Father to meet your needs. 

I will be more then happy to pray with you.  

Yahweh hears all and answers all. 

If you are in need of immediate prayer, just open up your heart to Yeshua. There are no fancy words or lines, for the Lord knows your heart. However if you like the following prayer will do just fine, for it is not the words Yahweh's hears so much as the humble and contrite heart. Just speak to Him. He will gladly listen.

Father, I pray that at this moment You will place Your arms of love about me, and that I might feel Your presence near me. I pray that if it could be Your will, that I will be healed. You know better what is wrong with me than I. You are my strength, guidance  and shelter in the storm,  no matter what. I thank You for loving each of us so much that You sent Your Only Son, Yeshua to die for us, and I thank You now for hearing and answering my prayer for healing. In Yeshua's precious name I pray, AMEN.